Gallery One - “Reflections”

Dec 31, 2024

The artists of Gallery One this month are reflecting on Reflections, the act of reflecting
or the state of being reflected. Reflections have always been an important part of art
composition. Even the very earliest artists were aware that some surfaces – still water, shiny
objects, even the eyes of a person or animal – would hold reflections and realized that.
Depicting them without said reflections would lead to a flat and unrealistic appearance.
Reflections also allow the artist to enhance and play with light and help create a sense of
atmosphere. Artist Laura Hickman does this beautifully in her pastel, "Canal with White Hotel,
Bruges." The late afternoon shadows enhance the architectural elements while they are echoed
in the colorful water. "Bruges is a small coastal city in Belgium with meandering canals.
Every turn is a beautiful vista of the gorgeous architecture, and
enchantedly, seen again reflected in the old canals."

Gallery One - “Reflections”